These Terms and Conditions apply to Your use of Alice Fender Hair website www.alicefenderhair.com.

By accessing Our Website and booking an appointment and or attending an appointment You are deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions.

In these Terms and Conditions and also in Alice Fender Hair’s Cookie policy, privacy policy and cancellation and complaints policies the following worlds will have the following meaning:

“Client”, “You” and “Your” means the person or entity logging onto www.alicefenderhair.com.

“Cookie Law” means the relevant parts of the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 and of EU Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) together with any amendments, modification, revisions and or updates thereto.

 “Our”, “We” and “Us” means Alice Fender Hair.

“Party” and or “Parties” refers to both the Client and Us.

“Personal Data” means any and all data that relates to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified from that data, as defined in the Cookie Law.

“Website” means www.alicefenderhair.com.

Further definitions are also included and such are denoted by the use of the defined words being contained in quotation marks (“ “).

We exclusively own any and all intellectual property rights to all imagery, photographs, video recordings and all other content on Our Website and under no circumstances are You permitted to re-use, re-publish, licence, duplicate, modify and or adapt in anyway whatsoever any of Our imagery, photographs, video recordings and all other content without the express prior written consent from Us.

We offer no guarantee that the information on Our Website is correct and We expressly exclude all representations, warranties and conditions relating to Our Website and the use of Our Website. Furthermore as Our Website and the information contained in it is provided free of charge to You We will not be liable to You for any and all losses and or damages whatsoever to You arising from Your use of Our Website and Your reliance on any information contained on Our Website.

Privacy Policy

Our Website is operated by Us and We are resolutely committed to protecting and preserving the privacy of all of Our visitors when visiting Our Website or with those that elect to communicate electronically with Us.

This privacy policy describes and sets out how We process any Personal Data we collect from You or that You provide to Us through Our Website. We confirm that We will keep Your information secure and that We will comply fully with all applicable UK Data Protection legislation and regulations. This policy does not affect the Parties statute rights.

Please read the following carefully to understand what happens to Your Personal Data that You choose to provide to Us, or that may We collect from You when You visit Our Website and please note that by visiting Our Website You are accepting and agreeing to Our privacy polic.
We, from time-to-time, may collect, store and use Personal Data about those individuals who visit and use Our Website including but not limited to information You supply to Us. (for example by filling in forms or using Our ‘contact us’ function). This information may include Your name, address, email address and telephone number(s) and information Our Website automatically collects about You each time You visit Our Website such as technical information, including part of Your internet protocol address, browser type and version, operating system and platform and further information regarding what pages You visit, how long You remain on Our Website, how You arrived at Our Website (including date and time) and what You click on.

Our Website utilises Cookies to distinguish You from other users of Our Website and these assist Us with information regarding how Our Website may be improved. Our Cookie Policy is also available on Our Website below.

We will use information You provide to Us in order to provide and offer further information regarding Our services and We collect any additional Personal Data You may provide to Us from time-to-time if You contact Us electronically or by telephone through Our Website, by submitting a comment on Our Website or by any other means such as providing a testimonial, comment or feedback.

In relation to the information We automatically collect about You and Your visit to Our Website We utilise such to administer and monitor Our Website and to, where required, improve Our Website and to safeguard its content such as, but not limited to, debugging and virus protection. Please note that this information is collected anonymously and is not linked to information that identifies You.

Any information You provide to Us may be stored on Our secure server using a trusted third party website and hosting provider to facilitate the running and management of Our Website and We do not sell or share personal information about You with other people or non-affiliated companies. Your Personal Data may be shared with Our trusted, third-party operating systems which We use to manage Our services and keep in touch with You. We will always use all reasonable efforts to ensure that Your Personal Data is not disclosed unless required by law or any other applicable regulations however and regrettably the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure although We will attempt to always protect Your Personal Data We cannot guarantee the security of Your Personal Data transmitted to Our Website and any transmission is at solely at Your own risk.

From time-to-time Our Website may contain links to and from the third party websites and if You click a link to any of those websites please be aware that they may have their own privacy policies. We do not accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever for those policies.

You have the right to ensure that Your Personal Data is being processed lawfully. You can issue a Subject Access Right in accordance with appropriate and relevant data protection laws and regulations and any Subject Access Request must be made in writing to Us. We will thereafter provide Your Personal Data to You within the statutory time frame. In order to enable Us to trace any of Your Personal Data that We may possess We may need to request further information from You. In the unlikely event that You have a complaint about how We have used Your information then You can contact the Information Commissioners Office.

We reserve the absolute right to, at any time, update, amend, vary and or revise Our privacy policy and such will be published on Our Website and You expressly agree to accept the then current version of Our privacy policy. 

You have the following rights with respect to Your Personal Data:

  • You have the right to know why Your Personal Data is needed, what will happen to it, and how long it will be retained for.

  • You have the right to access Your Personal Data that is known to Us.

  • You have the right to supplement, correct, have deleted or blocked Your Personal Data whenever You wish.

  • If You give Us Your consent to process Your Personal Data, You have the right to revoke that consent and to have Your Personal Data deleted.

  • You have the right to request that all of Your Personal Data is transferred to a third party of Your election.

  • You have the right to object to the processing of Your Personal Data and We will comply with such objection save where there are reasonable grounds for processing Your Personal Data.

In order to exercise any of Your rights please contact Alice Fender Hair. In the unlikely event that You have a complaint about how We handle Your Personal Data please contact Us directly but You also have the right to contact the Information Commissioners Office.

If You have any questions and or comments on Our privacy policy please do not hesitate to contact Us.

Cookie Policy

Our Website (www.alicefenderhair.com “the Website”) uses Cookies and other related technologies (for reference “Cookies” includes all current and future technologies).

Cookies may also be placed by third parties We have engaged and We set out below our Cookie policy and their use on Our Website.

A cookie is a small file placed on Your computer or device by Our Website when you visit certain parts of Our Website and or when You use certain features of Our Website.

“Cookie Law” means the relevant parts of the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 and of EU Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) together with any amendments, modification, revisions and or updates thereto.

“Personal Data” means any and all data that relates to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified from that data as defined in the Cookie Law.

Our Website is owned and operated by Alice Fender Hair and Our Data Protection Officer is Alice Fender. You can contact Alice via email at alicefenderhair@gmail.com or via post at the Company’s address.

Our Website may place and access certain first party Cookies on Your computer or device. First party Cookies are those placed directly by Us and are used only by Us. We use Cookies to facilitate and improve Your experience of Our Website and to improve Our products and or services. We have carefully chosen these Cookies and have taken steps to ensure that Your privacy and Personal Data is protected and respected.

By using and or accessing Our Website, You may also receive certain third party Cookies on Your computer or device. Third party Cookies are those placed by websites, services, and or parties other than Us. Third party Cookies are used on Our Website for marketing and arithmetical purposes.

All Cookies utilised by and on Our Website are used in accordance with current Cookie Law.

We may use some or all of the following types of Cookies:

·      Strictly Necessary Cookies
Such a Cookie is essential to the operation of Our Website and it supports its functions such as logging in.


  • · Analytics Cookies
    It is important for Us to understand how You use Our Website, for example, how efficiently You are able to navigate around it, and what features You use. Analytics Cookies enable Us to gather this information, helping Us to improve Our Website and Your use of it.


  • · Functionality Cookies
    Functionality Cookies enable Us to provide additional functions to You on Our Website such as personalisation and remembering Your saved preferences. Some functionality Cookies may also be strictly necessary Cookies, but not all necessarily fall into that category.


  • · Marketing Cookies
    These Cookies are another form of localised storage, used to create profiles to present advertising or to track usage on Our Website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes.


  • · Targeting Cookies
    How often and when You visit Our Website and which parts of it You have used (including which pages You have visited) is important information and as with analytics Cookies, this information assists Us to better understand You and, in turn, to make Our Website and advertising more relevant to Your interests. Some information gathered by targeting Cookies may also be shared with third parties.


  • · Third Party Cookies
    Third party Cookies are not placed by Us and instead they are placed by third parties that provide services to Us and or to You. Third party Cookies may be used by advertisers to serve up tailored advertising to You on Our Website or by third parties providing analytics services to Us (these Cookies will work in the same way as analytics Cookies).


  • · Persistent Cookies
    Any of the above types of Cookies may be a persistent Cookie. Persistent Cookies are those which remain on Your computer or device for a predetermined period and are activated each time You visit Our Website.


  • ·  Session Cookies
    Any of the above types of Cookies may be a session Cookie. Session Cookies are temporary and remain on Our computer or device only from the point at which You visit Our Website until You close it or Your browser. Session Cookies are deleted when You close Your browser.

If You would like more information on the Personal Data that We collect and use or the processes We have in place to protect You please refer to Our privacy policy.

Our Website may use analytics services and these relate to a set of tools used to collect and analyse anonymous usage information, enabling Us to better understand how Our Website is used and We can utilise the analytics to update, alter and or improve Our Website.

You do not have to allow Us to use these Cookies.

Prior to Cookies being placed on Your computer or device, You will be presented with a popup on Your screen requesting Your consent to set Cookies. By giving Your consent to the placing of Cookies You are enabling Us to provide the best possible user experience. You may, if you wish, deny consent to the placing of Cookies unless those Cookies are strictly necessary; however certain features of Our Website may not function fully or as intended. You will be given the opportunity to permit and or reject different categories of Cookie that We use. You can also choose to enable or disable Cookies via Your internet browser settings. Please note that Our Website may not work properly if all Cookies are disabled. If You do delete the Cookies in Your browser, they will be placed again after Your consent when You visit Our Website again.

On Our Website We have also included content from social media platforms (including but not limited to Instagram) and this content is embedded with code which places Cookies that may store and process certain information for personalised advertising.

We reserve the absolute right to, at any time, update, amend, vary and or revise Our Cookie policy and such will be published on Our Website and You expressly agree to accept the then current version of Our Cookie policy. 

If You have any questions and or comments on Our Cookie policy please do not hesitate to contact Us.

Complaints Policy

Our aim is always to provide the very best service possible to all Our Clients.

However unlikely there may be times when You as the Client may be dissatisfied with Our Services but please be assured that We will handle any complaints quickly and in an effective, fair and collaborative way. It is accepted that You as the Client have certain statute rights that remain unaffected by this complaints policy but in all relevant cases the Client agrees to first abide by this complaints policy prior to undertaking any other action which for the avoidance of doubt includes but is not limited to commencing legal proceedings and or complaining or posting negative comments about Us on any social media platforms. If required We will seek legal redress against You for any malicious and or defamatory statements published against Us on any social media platforms by You or any other third party acting on Your behalf and or as Your agent. 

You can make a complaint to Us via email or in writing. Please note that We do not accept complaints verbally.

Our complaints process is as follows:

  1. 1. Any and all complaints should be in writing and in English and set out the time and date of Your appointment, Your full name and the nature and details of what You are complaining about together with your preference for a written or emailed response.

  2. 2. We will substantively respond in writing within seven days from the date of Your written complaint. If We require additional time to respond to Your complaint We will acknowledge Your complaint within seven days and provide a further timeframe for when Our detailed reply will be provided to You.

  3. 3. It is Our intention to amicably resolve any and all complaints collaboratively.

  4. 4. The Parties agree that all complaints will be treated in the strictest of confidence and that neither Party will publish or post or in another way disseminate via any media, including social media platforms, any details of and or the subject matter of a complaint.

  5. 5. Upon receipt of Our detailed response to Your complaint and if You remain dissatisfied with Our response then the Parties will agree a mutually convenient time to discuss the complaint and Our response. This meeting will either be held virtually, by telephone or face-to-face. At this meeting the Parties agree to collaboratively agree a reasonable and satisfactory outcome acting at all times in good faith towards each other.

  6. 6. This complaint process does not apply to matters that are already the subject of legal action and or proceedings and or that relate to products not created by Us as such complaints should be addressed to the product manufacturers.

  7. 7. We will not accept any instances of foul, abusive and or aggressive language directed at Us or anyone associated with Us. We also have a zero tolerance policy towards any discriminatory actions and or statements and in the unlikely event that You or any other third party acting on Your behalf and or as Your agent contravenes or threatens to contravene this We reserve the absolute right, exercisable in Our sole discretion, to either terminate this complaints policy and or cancel your appointment without the requirement for any notice and without any loss, damage or payment to You whatsoever.